Skip Schuckmann

Skip Schuckmann devoted his career to the observation that society is so caught up with their lives, our lives, and media that we fail to "sit back and be satisfied". His work is driven from this and he uses nature for: inspiration, mediums, and even as his own studio. His relationship with his clients is his other source of inspiration because the stories that are told and the friendship that is built often lasts a lifetime. He helped me to better understand the relationship to an artist and the people they work with. I paralleled with his inspiration of nature and noticing and responding to all of the nature around him. He takes notice of the contrast and how nature in itself reacts with what is around it. It's a masterpiece on its own.
Kara Walker

Kara Walker's broad range of media techniques goes from drawings and videos, to light projection and paper-cut silhouette installations. Her main theme in all of her works is the idea of exchanges of power. Her works reference historical events, cultures, books, and most importantly, "the dark aspects of human behavior". The thing that inspired me about her work is that way the audience is able to interact with her work. Not only this, but the viewer essentially becomes part of her work. Looking at the idea of exchanges of power in her works, I look at my project and see the exchange of power between the human being and nature. Does it's beauty diminish when we don't notice it? I suppose it just depends on how you look at the question.